Hay, hay, Hay

Highfill Farms, LLC sells hay to livestock and horse ranchers in the Southwest MO area. Our mixed grass hay is produced largely from long standing pastures. Just as our animal friends were meant to enjoy. It is mixed grass which is mostly orchard grass and fescue but would also have crabgrass, brome, timothy, and other grasses. We do occasionally treat for broadleaf weeds. We set our price after it is baled and once we determine the quality. Our alfalfa is Round-up ready so should be close to only alfalfa as we treat all weeds (grasses and broadleafs. We price our hay first looking at the weekly Missouri Hay report. We generally price in the mid-range of this report but there can be regional or local effects that impact our prices. We try to provide "good hay at a fair price". Please give us a call with any questions on prices or quality.
Round Bales
Round Bales: Our 4x5 mixed grass round bale is baled with a John Deere 459 round baler. We almost always use the premier John Deere cover edge net wrap that protects the edges from damage and moisture penetration while also covering 15% more of the bale than normal edge wrap. Our baler is also equipped for string tied if that is a need you have. We use an onboard Agra Tronix BHT-1 moisture sensor and try to bale 12-18% moisture. Each bale weighs between 700-800 lbs. and is 58 +/- 2 inches. We sell 1 or 100. Whatever you need.
2025 mixed grass price: $TBD/bale
2025 alfalfa price: Call for pricing and availability

Square Bales
Square Bales: Our square bale is a twine-tied bale that weighs around 50 lbs. They are baled with an in-line Case 8530 square baler. We use an onboard Agra Tronix BHT-1 moisture sensor and try to square bale between 12-20% moisture. We sell 1 or 100 bales. Whatever you need.
2025 mixed grass Price: $TBD
2025 alfalfa Price: Call for prices
We can deliver hay to your location. For round bales, we have three options:
- A 25ft. flatbed (pictured here) that can haul 14.
- A 32 ft. self dumping trailer that delivers 8. Is helpful if there isn't a tractor on site.
- A 10 ft. bumper hitch trailer that can haul 2.
For square bales, as there is an additional labor element, please give us a call and we can explore some opitons.
Call us to discuss any delivery needs. Here is 2025 delivery pricing schedule.

Farm services
We have the equipment, so if you need some help on your farm, please let us know. Below is a list of services we can provide. Please call or text for any pricing. MO 2023 extension custom rate chart
Custom Hay custom hay contract (Sorry but we aren't able to take on any additional custom hay work at this time)
Front end loader work
Brush hogging
No-till seed drilling
Broadcast seeding
Spraying for weeds with Satelite GPS
Transporting hay in-field or on-road